It’s one thing to talk about the services we offer; it’s another to hear what students, parents, teachers have to say. Take your time to read some of the unsolicited messages, and get to know some of the parents, graduates, and current students and staff of Boost Academy.
The Quarantined Graduate
The Student Council Treasurer of Boost Academy, Princess-Elenah Timothy, shared her experiences from the year in an open letter to the students and graduating class at the first Annual Recognition and Graduation Ceremony which was held June 19th, 2020.
Meet Elyot
While it is important for you to know the services offered by the school; it is just as important to meet the Boost families currently enrolled. Watch this brief testimony from Abi Hall and Elyot Feaster.
Presidential Address - Skyla Knowles
The Student Council President of Boost Academy, Skyla Knowles, tackles the meaning of success during her address at the first Annual Recognition and Graduation Ceremony which was held June 19th, 2020.